I've been tagged by the lovely and talented Bonnie Rue at
Good Girls and Geeks.. to take on the "Eight Is Great" challenge.
8 things I Am Looking Forward To:
-finishing my pilates training
-painting my bedroom (well, not the process, but having it done)
-Getting my new shirts from Urban Outfitters in the mail
-Going to see my sister this weekend- finally getting out of town!
-relaxing bbqs with family and friends
-having more time to cook and garden
-reading a good book
-summer fruit, esp. watermelon, blueberries, and mango
8 Things I did yesterday:
-took a nap from 12-2
-bought new sandals
-went grocery shopping
-listened to a lot of music
-went to the vitamin store to buy vitamins, but they were closed
-talked to my mom about an awkward situation at work
-spilled a drink all over my desk, down the wall, on my papers. And I cried.
- ate some new non-dairy ice cream sweetened with Agave.
8 Things I Wish I Could Do
-fly in an airplane without having a panic attack
-pace myself better, and not get anxious about things as much
-be more organized
-sleep in on the weekends- I always wake up by 7:00 no matter what time I go to bed
-change a few things that happened in the past
-be more bold/assertive at times
-start and finish a number of projects around the house that I've been wanting to do
-find a way to really help someone, or a family in need
8 Shows I Watch:
(this is hard, because I hardly watch t.v. I just watch the following SOMETIMES)
-What Not To Wear
-Regis And Kelly ( I know.. stupid, but there's something about the "New Yorkness" and "morning routine" of it that I find compelling.
-Some cooking shows
-Moving UP
-the odd documentary
-*hides head* American Idol
-and,........ I really don't watch t.v!